What are the benefits of having your tax return professionally completed by Scanlon Richardson Financial Group?
This is a reasonable question nowadays given that there are a number of online tools available for completing and lodging your own tax return. Let’s break it down piece by piece.
Accuracy, Training & Maximum Refunds
In a nutshell, we are highly trained in the complexities of tax law and since we are dealing with tax issues, reforms and updates to the law on a daily basis; we are able to identify opportunities and strategies for you to get the most from your tax return. Unless you are an expert in occupation specific deductions, it is unlikely you will understand all the deductions you are entitled to claim. Not only that, we can do all this quickly and accurately. We are number crunching experts after all!
The more complicated your income, the more beneficial it will be to ensure that you are getting professional advice on your tax affairs. So, if you own rental properties, have a business, investment portfolio or capital gains liabilities we may be able to identify credits, deductions or opportunities for saving that the untrained eye would simply not see. In that sense the professional preparation can pay for itself in spades, plus our fee is tax deductible!
Save Time, Stress & Worry
DIY is not always the fastest or simplest way to achieve your goal unless it is a task you are familiar with and perform all the time.
Nothing beats the convenience of sitting with your accountant and getting the job done. A typical appointment will take 30-45 minutes to go through a series of questions and review your documentation. Alternatively, you can email, post or upload your documents to our client portal and we will let you know if we have any follow up queries. Easy. If you are unsure what documentation you need to provide, refer to our checklist on the Resources page of our website to help you. https://www.srfinancialgroup.com.au/resources/
DIY lodging online on the other hand requires you to collate your information, look up your deductions, read through the explanations and check to make sure you haven’t made any mistakes. Completing and lodging your own tax return also means that if a mistake has been made and the ATO comes knocking – you may be facing an ATO audit, fines and interest or penalties.
Choosing to lodge through Scanlon Richardson Financial Group ensures you are compliant with tax laws and allows peace of mind. If there is any query from the ATO, we will liaise with them on your behalf and walk alongside you providing support and guidance.
Extended Deadlines & Relationships
Having us prepare your tax return buys you more time as we have the benefit of extended electronic lodgement dates with the ATO through our lodgement program.
As we get to know you and your situation, we are in a position to provide you with tailored advice best suited to your needs as circumstances change. We will continue to seek out new ways of providing the support most appropriate for you. It may surprise you how much we can help you with as our expertise is not limited to tax! Have a look at the wide array of Services we offer as detailed on our website.
Let’s face it – if you are a working Australian there is no getting out of your taxes; it is one of the certainties of life. Maximise your return, minimise your stress and let us take care of things for you.
Samantha Emery @ Scanlon Richardson Financial Group