Time is such a precious commodity, as are trees, and we are all about doing what we can to save both. As such, we have implemented a system which allows you to electronically sign the documents we send you with a simple click of a button.
Introducing FuseSign – a quick and easy way to sign your documents remotely
- NO more paper copies
- NO more snail mail
- NO more time delays
- NO need to download, print or scan
Benefits to you
Convenience & Accessibility
Quickly access documents wherever you are from your PC, tablet or phone. Sign with one click. No more downloading documents, printing, signing, scanning and returning them – eliminate the waste and replace with a secure online solution. FuseSign will also provide you with a PDF copy of the completed signed document for your own records.
FuseSign ensures that only people who are authorised to access documents can do so with 2 factor authentication protection on all document bundles. All data is hosted on Australian servers and signed documents are encrypted to ensure they cannot be tampered with. This method of electronic signature has also been recognised as lawful under Australian law since 1999.
Environmentally Friendly
On the path towards building a more sustainable future, the use of this technology eliminates the need for wasteful printing on all sides; whilst storing your important documents in a secure cloud based facility.
How does it work?
The next time we send you a document to sign, you will receive an email containing a link. Follow these simple steps to sign your document:
We will receive a notification that you have signed and we will both be sent a link to access and download copies of the final signed document. You will also be prompted to download copies of your documents upon completion of the signing process.
Need more help with how to sign your FuseSign document?
This instructional video will take you through step by step how to sign your documents.