In tough economic times, defining your financial risks is a superpower. Identifying your financial risks and implementing mitigation strategies is key to surviving economic downturns. After all, if you keep…
Read MoreThe past few years have forced us to rethink the way we operate our business. The barrier of procrastination has been removed and we’ve had to adopt new technology and…
Read MoreIt’s nearly time to make a finalisation declaration for Single Touch Payroll. There is no need to issue payment summaries to employees you have reported through STP. Employers must complete…
Read MoreIn July 2023, the superannuation guarantee statutory rate will rise to 11%. Annually, the rate is increasing by 0.5% until July 2025 when it will reach the legislated 12%. Prepare…
Read MoreWorking from home is becoming the norm for many people. It’s important to think about the deductible expenses that you may be able to claim when working from home and…
Read MoreWith the end of financial year approaching quickly, NOW is the time to discuss with us the actions you can take before 30 June 2023 to reduce your tax and…
Read MoreEconomies are in a perpetual heating and cooling cycle, with all phases providing opportunities to better serve your customers and thrive in your business. There’s no denying the effects of…
Read MoreUnderstanding your business breakeven point is essential to know how much money you need to make to stay in business. It can therefore help you make well-informed financial decisions and…
Read MoreWhether you want to grow your business or take more time for yourself, these goal-setting tips can help you achieve your long-term plans. Think big! - What do you want from…
Read MoreThe summer holiday period can be confusing to employers and employees alike – public holidays worked or taken as annual leave, business shutdowns, annual leave provisions… there are many rules…
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